
Parcel Name + Ownership

Gallagher, City of Boulder Open Space; Southern Portion currently leased by a local farm.

Parcel Size

100.82 sq. acres

Purchase Date + Price

1998 ➔ $1,072,500

A wind storm blows away top soil from prairie dog colonized areas on OSMP’s Gallagher parcel.

A wind storm blows away top soil from prairie dog colonized areas on OSMP’s Gallagher parcel.

Land Health Status

Gallagher is a non-irrigated (but irrigable) OSMP staff-managed field with prairie dogs.

The northern portion of Gallagher is currently not leased and is managed by OSMP staff. The southern portion is leased and irrigated by a local farm for sheep grazing. Prairie dogs have expanded rapidly on Gallagher, and the tenant is very concerned that their leased land will be overrun. The photo above is of a windstorm on Gallagher, documenting severe soil erosion from the prairie dog colony.

Current Prairie Dog Occupation

As of March 2020, approximately 36 acres/33% of Gallagher is occupied by prairie dog colonies.