Boulder Valley Ranch

Parcel Name + Ownership

Boulder Valley Ranch

Parcel Size

628 sq. acres

Purchase Date + Price

1973 ➔ $900,000

OSMP-BVR-South Pasture-2002.jpg


This is the South Pasture of Boulder Valley Ranch (BVR Corp 103 L Pasture S) in 2002. It is irrigated, green and lush.



Winter. All the lighter dots on the darker brown field are prairie dog burrow entrances.



Same location, 2019. Per the OSMP prairie dog mapping numbers, this BVR L Pasture S has experienced 100% growth of prairie dog populations in the last two years. OSMP mapping shows 50 acres of prairie dogs on this parcels in 2017 and 112 acres of prairie dogs in 2019.



Summer. This photo shows the invasion of noxious weeds such as thistle, which prairie dogs do not prefer.

Land Health Status

Current Prairie Dog Occupation

As of March 2020, approximately 357 acres/57% of Boulder Valley Ranch is occupied by prairie dog colonies.